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Find, develop and retain the right employees

Corporate success is only possible if there is a coordinating element that holds different areas together and supports people. Not only digitization but also growing political and social upheavals are forcing companies to make sometimes radical paradigm shifts, especially in dealing with HR issues. A different attitude and new methods are needed to provide meaningful support for employees in their working lives and to set the right framing conditions for the organization as a whole. Each culture change is subject to different paradigms and explicitly requires according human resource management tools.

Increasingly, essential questions are emerging:

  • How do we create identification with the company?
  • How do we want to meet the growing demands for diversity and hybrid forms of work?
  • Where and how do we find and engage the right employees?
  • How do we position ourselves as an attractive employer brand?
  • How do we want to shape the future?
  • Which instruments are needed to support a value-oriented organization?

In all these questions, people management is coming into focus.  HR specialists increasingly become complexity navigators and sparring partners at eye level for specialists and managers. However, there is usually a lack of clear understanding of exactly what this means in practice.

HR becomes enabler in the company

Do words like lethargic, administrative or ‘missing the mark’ come to mind when you think of your HR department? Until a few years ago this was still acceptable, but today expectations and necessities have changed enormously. What used to be optional extras are now minimum requirements.

HR is no longer the administrator of human resources, but must become the shaper of human relations because this is what holds your company together at its core. People Management acts as complexity navigator who provides structures, guardrails, tools and systems (including technical support) so professionals and managers can focus on business success.

HR departments become the barometer of the company’s vitality. People management means thinking ahead and thinking anew, taking the pulse and, as an enabler, giving the right impulses and activating the right levers. This also means exemplifying what you preach and reliably delivering the pragmatic implementation of jointly developed concepts.

New Work, remote work and virtual teams

Departments need the support on how to make their teams powerful.

New concepts call for new personnel management tools. Among other things, New Work means that close ties and coordination of individual perspectives are possible even at a distance, that the joy of experimentation is strengthened, and that human needs are given high priority.

In addition to an appropriate corporate culture and the necessary competencies, new rituals must be established and all instruments must be tailored to individual strengths and preferences as well as the effectiveness of collaboration.

Recruiting finds the right employees

Recruiting is more than just finding and winning applicants.

One of the most common statements that companies make is, “We can’t find enough capable employees!” Yet there are enough suitable employees for your organization on the market. However, the question is how and where to find them, whether they will choose the job and how effectively they will integrate into the company.

Classic job descriptions no longer work. Replaceable, often small-scale and outdated job descriptions tend to scare people away. It is important to understand “who” exactly fits the company, which competencies are really needed in which context, instead of the One fits all (eierlegende Wollmilchsau.) An attractive job advertisement that realistically reflects the challenges, scope and expectations in the respective context is a game changer. Active sourcing in the classic sense has often turned out to be too expensive and too time-consuming and, in the overall view, not very effective. It requires technical skills, empathy for the persona and an overview of the market context. If roles are described attractively and different channels are chosen wisely, you will also get exactly the talent that will take you forward.

Recruiting starts with a deep understanding of the organization and its current challenges. It is sensitive profiling of suitable candidates. A hand-holding of executives through the process, orientation-giving sparring and organization of intensive getting to know each other from both sides. Again, there are no best practices that always work. The important thing is to strike a balance between process and quality standards, individual needs of candidates and executives, and technology support that works.

If people specialists know precisely who the company needs and with what competencies, expertise and skills, the search process can begin: locally, nationally and globally.

Employer Branding par excellence

If you ask employees if they can identify with your company, what would be the majority of responses? Home office and remote work demand new ways to create loyalty. In addition, it's no longer just the younger generations who want to feel more meaning and purpose in their work.

Employer branding is not just marketing and a nice facade, but an indispensable aspect of corporate strategy for positioning oneself as an attractive employer. Because people want a goal, a vision, and a what for, and have a good sense of whether it’s just fine words or real content.

Only those who experience themselves and their own work as meaningful and their way of acting as true will remain at the highest level of their competencies in the long term, take ownership, think along with others and make the right decisions. An authentic and strong employer brand is essential to be attractive to new employees and to become so again for existing ones.

Investing in employee retention has become an essential factor. After all, employer branding encompasses not only recruiting, but also interactions with each other as part of the corporate culture.

Talent management and employee development

Growth and education perceived as natural process

When it comes to employee development, it is often desired, but the path is unclear or difficult. But it’s simple: when people experience the right environment, they continue to grow and develop. Curiosity and development are ingrained in us and it is human nature to discover new perspectives.

Good talent management does not consist of predefined career paths or a sophisticated academy but rather a composition of the ability to experiment in everyday life, profound knowledge transfer and deepening, and professional discourse with experts. The readily appreciated experience remains alive and valuable when it combines up-to-date knowledge with versatile practice.

A modern HR department creates transparency about the strengths and talents of specialists and executives, networks them with appropriate mentors and enables expanded areas of competence. At the same time, employees should be encouraged to take responsibility for shaping their own careers.

HR as technology ambassador

The sensible use of collaboration platforms is the basis for collaboration today.

If the technological possibilities for collaboration are not used, the speed, sustainability and reliability of the work cannot be guaranteed. It’s not just communication and collaboration that requires functioning technology. The success of HR departments depends heavily on the use of HR systems that enable effortless real-time collaboration with business departments, efficiencies through automation, and enable data collection and interpretation (HR analytics).  HR thus also becomes a technology ambassador.

We break the sound barrier with HR and achieve something big

Human resources work as a catalyst for corporate success

Matching your situation, the challenges of your HR department and the team size, we develop a coherent concept that contains various building blocks, including:

  • Analysis of the existing potential, skills and capacities
  • Elaboration of the role profile with alignment to goals and corporate culture
  • Employer branding incl. creation of an attractive job advertisement
  • Individual onboarding plans to be productive quickly & sustainably
  • Training in interview techniques and contract negotiation
  • Training for a concrete and attractive job description
  • Coaching of managers in the systematic evaluation of cultural fit
  • Vendor management for recruitment agencies and executive search consultancies
  • RPO – Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Let us take the next steps together.

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