The change of tomorrow - profound transformation instead of superficial optimization
Talking about change, many companies think directly about methods and structures rather than visual scenarios. Many find it difficult to draw a before-and-after image beyond the key performance indicators. Fundamental change is only possible with a new self-image from within.
Figuratively speaking, the tadpole becomes a frog at the next stage of evolution, not an optimized tadpole with legs. The frog is capable of implementing new ideas or conquering terrain outside the previously known waters – an advantage that companies also gain through a genuine transformation. In the new world, other things are important, just as companies in transformation develop new shared perspectives and values.
Have the courage to go your own way – beyond best practices, imagination to design attractive goals and inspire people to achieve them, and depth to face the challenges of a paradigm shift.
Transformation to a valuable and future-oriented organization
Together with you, we develop leadership empowered for the new world, encourage a supportive culture change with shared values, expand your competencies, design a beneficial business ecosystem and ensure that the right talent is engaged and in the right place.
As organization development and human relations experts, we guide you from idea to the desired outcome in your change initiatives and paradigm shift. We understand current market conditions and operational contexts. With our expertise in group dynamics and the human psyche, we know where to pull the levers to change mindsets and behaviors with playful ease. Your critical business figures will measure the success of our holistic consulting approach.
To find the right path for you, we work with the people in your organization.
With our support for collaboration and the ability to change, your teams navigate through complexity. Your teams will combine the prerequisites for a self-organized sense of ownership and responsibility, flexibility, and effective productivity with professional and personal competencies.
By experiencing their own effectiveness, people will quickly develop joy and confidence and consider change and the paradigm shift as excellent opportunities for a stable future for everyone.
Mastering leadership in challenging times
Managers face the challenge that the leadership role has changed dramatically.
Instead of just managing something, it’s about knowing what risks are being taken based on a holistically practical approach, working out decisions in the team that make it possible to deal with the existing complexity and create sustainable results instead of just generating quick fixes in one’s area. With a view for the whole in balance with individual needs and excellence in detail, managers enable the entire organization and encourage each individual within it. Shared core values are indispensable in this context.
Find and engage the right talents
Modern HR departments are the guiding elements that ensure that employees and managers find their way in a coordinated manner.
This requires a consistent HR approach with appropriate tools that business departments perceive as helpful and which solve people’s problems in the corporate context. If HR is successful, you see sufficient professional staff in the right place, working together efficiently and exploiting synergies. Effective decisions are made and clear principles are happily promoted. Teams are motivated, continue to develop themselves, find solutions and implement them creatively and effectively in the company’s interests.
Competencies for the world of tomorrow
Competence is the prerequisite for performance delivery and quality. Without competence, any effort is counterproductive.
The “normal new” requires new forms of collaboration with adjusting role profiles. Each set of values comes with a new set of abilities. Every change requires an alignment of competencies, no matter if it is a matter of strategy, culture or “only” structural changes. If skills are not adapted to the respective function and situation, this leads to opaque complexity, extra work, and frustration.
Companies today need a holistic view of their skills portfolio. For the paradigm shift, knowing which skills are explicitly needed and how they are developed is essential.
![Kompetenzen für die Welt von morg](https://menschwert.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MenschWert_Kompetenzen_Web_Q-600x600.jpg)
Establishing a corporate culture that is fit for the future
Many companies today are faced with the question of whether their current corporate culture still helps them to achieve their goals, provides support in times of crisis, or is designed for the future – or whether the culture they live by tends to prevent success.
Every company has its very own culture, which can be explicitly shaped and formed, just as a person’s personality can mature systematically. Together with you, we design the framework for your cultural change so that your teams enjoy working together, recognize constructive solutions and act responsibly and with commitment. Common values are truly lived and further developed. Joy in their effectiveness included.
A beneficial business ecosystem
Companies do not operate in a void and act utterly alone in the market. A clever “foreign affairs policy” is therefore crucial.
Success essentially depends on how relationships with customers, suppliers, authorities, investors, and many other partners and stakeholders are shaped. If the organization changes, this impacts external connections, which can paralyze or promote transformation. A healthy environment and supportive perspectives from outside can be chosen purposefully and developed further in line with the company’s goals.