MenschWert Impulse - Keeping an eye on the trends
9. October 2023
Advantages of interim management for small and medium-sized enterprises. Selection and success criteria of interim managers.
10. May 2023
Men in grey in the business world
How lean approaches and continuous improvement prevent the paradigm shift
20. March 2023
What makes me a good consultant?
Consulting also means thinking your own thoughts, withdrawing, and being alone
12. January 2023
The myth of the lack of skilled workers – How to win talent
How to attract talent in a highly competitive market
9. January 2023
The myth of a shortage of skilled workers – a self-induced vicious circle
Shortages of skilled workers in companies are often homemade due to vicious circles that reinforce each other.
1. January 2023
Portrait Irina Hagen in the Personal Brand Magazine
Personal Portrait about Irina Hagen. Challenges, moments of happiness and aspiration.